However, here are some methods that you can use to migrate shared mailboxes to Microsoft 365/ Office 365. Microsoft does not recommend a tool or a technique for migrating shared mailboxes. What Are the Options For Migrating Shared Mailboxes?

Managing permissions for shared mailboxes becomes a challenge during the migration.Here are the other challenges involved in the migration. Consequently, organizations are often confused about whether to create shared mailboxes after migrating the users or move the content first.

Microsoft does not require a license for shared mailboxes unless there are over 50 GB of data, or the mailbox is on litigation-hold or uses in-place archiving. What Are the Challenges of Shared Mailbox Migration?

Let us examine how to migrate shared mailboxes in Office 365/ Microsoft 365. While most content can be moved using the built-in methods provided by Microsoft or using third-party tools, share mailboxes could be a bottleneck. Reasons such as mergers and acquisitions, rebranding, and compliance could force organizations to move their contents to another Office 365/ Microsoft 365 subscription. Consequently, they have different attributes, particularly in terms of user-roles when compared to regular mailboxes. These shared email accounts are typically created and managed by admins, unlike regular mailboxes that are managed by individual users. Organizations use shared mailboxes to enable multiple users to read and reply to emails from an address that is common to a team. Design the product the way people WANT to use it and not as you think they should use it.How to Migrate Shared Mailboxes in Office 365? Don't make them go somewhere else just to see a contact and get the email address or phone number to go back to Outlook again to send that email. Elegant is not always the right solution. Please for the love of little green apples make this simple. Groups are the logical place to have a list of contacts that are specific to that group. I love SharePoint and I try to push clients towards it every day but this is an uphill battle. When I created Public folders they looked the same as their contacts folder and that depreciated technology.ĭon't get me wrong. The contacts folder in Outlook they understand and that is what they want to use. I mean great that it's SharePoint and all that but most users get a blank stare when you say SharePoint. It looks like it was made in an HTML 101 class. Has anyone here ever set up a contact list in SharePoint? OMG that is the UGLIEST thing I have seen in a long time. I have to chime in here a second time as I went back on this thread and read through it again.